The USC Center for Economic Development (CED) is pleased to announce it received an Economic Development Administration (EDA) University Center award.
About the University Center Program
EDA recognizes that institutions of higher education are critical players in the development of vibrant economic ecosystems. Universities are sources of significant economic development assets that can support regional economic growth.
The purpose of EDA’s University Center program (PDF) is to enable institutions of higher education and consortia of these institutions to establish and operate University Centers (UCs) focused on leveraging university assets to build regional economic ecosystems that support innovation and high-growth entrepreneurship, resiliency, and inclusiveness. As early as FY 1980, EDA-funded UCs responded to the needs of small- and medium-sized manufacturers and processors for technology transfer and commercialization assistance. More recently, some UCs have been providing resources and guidance on how to create a digitally inclusive economy while others are working with stakeholders in their regions to address economic impacts from the closure of major plants.

Our Approach – USC Center for Economic Development
The Advanced Manufacturing Partnership for Southern California (AMP SoCal), a federally designated manufacturing community since 2014, will become the AMP SoCal Network covering the 19-county region of Southern & Central California. This network, managed by CED, will be a multidisciplinary forum in which ideas and strategies about innovation, creativity, and equity can be tailored to local needs across multiple expanding industry sectors.
Collaborative equity-driven strategies for 21st century job creation and business development will be generated through discussion between industry, academia, government, and community partners. Targeted advanced manufacturing industry clusters are Aerospace and Defense, Biotech, and Climate and Clean Energy which includes emerging sectors such as Lithium extraction, processing, recycling, and batteries; Desalination; Offshore Wind Power; and the Circular Economy. The Network will grow to encompass new partners from these industries and the region. Investments in energy and transportation infrastructure, manufacturing, and the supply chain will lead to high-quality and high-paying jobs with a multiplier effect and an enhanced tax base.
University Center Services
Client services offered are technical assistance, applied research, and information tailored to each client’s needs including:
- Economic development, planning, and policy studies
- Needs assessments, feasibility and market analyses, and GIS mapping
- Consensus building and strategy development
- Technical assistance workshops
- Increase the capacity of organizations in the region to attract private capital investments and create high-skill/high-wage jobs
- Define economic challenges and opportunities and develop equity-driven strategies to boost the local economy
- Expand the resources available to distressed communities to attract advanced manufacturing industry by connecting them to USC assets and/or its AMP SoCal partners (UCs, CSUs, Community Colleges, Workforce Development Boards, etc.)
- Provide a broad range of services to meet the specific requests of municipalities, non-profits, potential EDA grantees, and tribal communities by engaging the AMP SoCal Network
The USC Center for Economic Development (CED)
CED is a leader in facilitating sustainable economic development opportunities. The mission is to provide technical assistance to economically distressed communities, offer clinical experience to graduate students, and prepare students for future professional opportunities. CED partners with community-based organizations, public agencies, and private entities to enhance their functional capacity by tapping the energy, enthusiasm, and talent of USC faculty, staff, and students. Technical assistance is provided through workshops, studies, applied research, and information. For more information about our services and past studies, visit our website at https://www.ced.usc.edu.