Since 1996, CED has collaborated with clients to develop sustainable solutions for their most pressing economic development challenges and issues. CED supports EDA’s mission by providing technical assistance to economically distressed and underserved communities and developing strategies to enhance collaborative regional innovation.
Below is an overview of CED’s ongoing and completed projects grouped by topic:

This includes efforts to promote equal economic opportunities and reduce economic disparities among different groups.

This includes efforts to improve and expand transportation, communication, and other infrastructure systems.

This includes efforts to support startups and small businesses, as well as initiatives that encourage innovation and the development of new technologies.

This includes efforts to support economic recovery in the wake of natural disasters or other crises.

This includes efforts to support economic growth and development in specific regions or communities.

This includes initiatives that support economic growth and development in rural areas.

This includes initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and renewable energy, as well as efforts to reduce waste and carbon emissions.

This includes efforts to train and educate the workforce, as well as initiatives that support job creation and retention.